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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
برامج كوم وبروتابل

الافتر افكت . السوني فيجاس . برامج . فلاتر . اضافات . العاب . بروشو . ستايلات

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    Download Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 for AE All OS

    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 7805
    نقاط : 12662
    السٌّمعَة : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2011

     Download Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 for AE All OS  Empty Download Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 for AE All OS

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الإثنين أبريل 11, 2011 3:51 pm

     Download Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 for AE All OS  Adobe-After-Effects
     Download Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 for AE All OS  12890052704717400x477

    Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 All OS | 122MB[/center]
    Boris Continuum Complete 7 AE (BCC seven AE) - Video Effects Plug-ins for Adobe After Effects. Boris Continuum Complete 7 AE brings over 210 filters to Macintosh and Windows versions of Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS5, CS4, and CS3. Version 7 features 11 new filters including a three-way color grade filter with built-in keying and masking tools a new video noise reduction tool, a spline-based warp filter, an audio-driven keyframe generator, a new OpenGL particle engine, and still and video morph technology. Each BCC filter has been re-engineered for 64-bit operating systems and OpenGL acceleration.

    Key Features for After Effects Users
    - New BCC Text category of 3D OpenGL extruded text generators
    - New "digital repair"-style filters such as Smooth Tone, DV Fixer, and Pixel Fixer
    - Over 2000 factory-installed animated presets
    - Over 1500 factory-installed static presets
    - XML preset format means presets can be modified with a standard text editor
    - New single-click custom-preset navigation tool eases effect selection
    - OpenGL hardware-accelerated vertex and pixel shaders
    - Support for After Effects' camera and lighting system
    - Generate 3D extruded shapes from imported AE spline path mask shapes
    - Localize filter results using imported AE spline path mask shapes or built-in PixelChooser

    - Motion Tracking data import and export using industry-standard XML format
    - Volumetric lighting effects and Glows
    - Specular lighting special effects such as Glint, Glare, Glitter
    - Compositing tools such as Light Wrap and Matte Choker
    - Natural effect generators such as Snow, Rain, Fire, Stars
    - Motion Key for automated foreground object removal
    - Film Look effects such as Bleach Bypass, Damaged Film, and Grain Match
    - Optical Flow-based image retiming and motion blur effects
    - Automated optical image stabilization without the use of point trackers
    - Onscreen controls for easy parameter set-up
    - 16-bit deep-color pixel processing
    - OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering
    - Multi-core performance

    New Filters in Continuum Complete 7 AE:
    - 3 Way Color Grade
    - Lens Blur
    - Lens Shape
    - Noise Reduction
    - Beat Reactor
    - Lens Transition
    - Morph
    - Partcle Array 3D
    - Pin Art 3D
    - Warp
    - Video Morph

    ^=^=^No Password^=^=^No Virus, No Trojan^=^=^

    Download from [Hotfile.com]

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    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


     Download Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 for AE All OS  12890052704717400x477

    Boris Continuum Complete 7.01 All OS | 122MB[/center]
    Boris Continuum Complete 7 AE (BCC seven AE) - Video Effects Plug-ins for Adobe After Effects. Boris Continuum Complete 7 AE brings over 210 filters to Macintosh and Windows versions of Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS5, CS4, and CS3. Version 7 features 11 new filters including a three-way color grade filter with built-in keying and masking tools a new video noise reduction tool, a spline-based warp filter, an audio-driven keyframe generator, a new OpenGL particle engine, and still and video morph technology. Each BCC filter has been re-engineered for 64-bit operating systems and OpenGL acceleration.

    Key Features for After Effects Users
    - New BCC Text category of 3D OpenGL extruded text generators
    - New "digital repair"-style filters such as Smooth Tone, DV Fixer, and Pixel Fixer
    - Over 2000 factory-installed animated presets
    - Over 1500 factory-installed static presets
    - XML preset format means presets can be modified with a standard text editor
    - New single-click custom-preset navigation tool eases effect selection
    - OpenGL hardware-accelerated vertex and pixel shaders
    - Support for After Effects' camera and lighting system
    - Generate 3D extruded shapes from imported AE spline path mask shapes
    - Localize filter results using imported AE spline path mask shapes or built-in PixelChooser

    - Motion Tracking data import and export using industry-standard XML format
    - Volumetric lighting effects and Glows
    - Specular lighting special effects such as Glint, Glare, Glitter
    - Compositing tools such as Light Wrap and Matte Choker
    - Natural effect generators such as Snow, Rain, Fire, Stars
    - Motion Key for automated foreground object removal
    - Film Look effects such as Bleach Bypass, Damaged Film, and Grain Match
    - Optical Flow-based image retiming and motion blur effects
    - Automated optical image stabilization without the use of point trackers
    - Onscreen controls for easy parameter set-up
    - 16-bit deep-color pixel processing
    - OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering
    - Multi-core performance

    New Filters in Continuum Complete 7 AE:
    - 3 Way Color Grade
    - Lens Blur
    - Lens Shape
    - Noise Reduction
    - Beat Reactor
    - Lens Transition
    - Morph
    - Partcle Array 3D
    - Pin Art 3D
    - Warp
    - Video Morph

    ^=^=^No Password^=^=^No Virus, No Trojan^=^=^

    Download from [Hotfile.com]

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


    Download from [Fileserve.com]

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    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد أكتوبر 06, 2024 4:32 pm