برامج كوم وبروتابل

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
برامج كوم وبروتابل

الافتر افكت . السوني فيجاس . برامج . فلاتر . اضافات . العاب . بروشو . ستايلات

المواضيع الأخيرة

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» قالب بلف تاتليار باستخدام فلتر ال 3دي اليمينت
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» حمل الان Corel Video Studio Pro X5
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» Corel VideoStudio Pro X6 كامل مع الكراك . اصدار رهيب
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» ستايلات بروشو5 11 StylePack
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» اين انتم يا محبي البرشو !! لكم مني مفأجأه ... ستايلات ولا بالاحلام من اخوكم ساجد العكيلي
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» video copilot lib4d Pro Shaders for Cinema 4D
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» NewBlueFX Bundle 3.0 Patch Build 121206 (TeamVR)
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» ستايل بروشو قمة في الجمال Style Proshow Producer Danh Cho Em
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    حمل البرامج الرهيب Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44

    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 7805
    نقاط : 12662
    السٌّمعَة : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2011

    حمل البرامج الرهيب Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44 Empty حمل البرامج الرهيب Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44

    مُساهمة من طرف Admin الثلاثاء مايو 17, 2011 12:00 pm

    Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final Incl Serials
    حمل البرامج الرهيب Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44 784c5565c5
    حمل البرامج الرهيب Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44 2uzqbus.jpg
    حمل البرامج الرهيب Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44 Bsplayer_pro
    Bs.player Pro V 2.57 Build 1049 Final | 10.44
    BS.Player™ is used by more than 70 millions of users throughout the world and it has been translated into more than 90 languages. All the downloaded versions of our free player surpass the sum of all downloads of competitive video players and payable DVD players. Because it does not use much of the processing power it is suitable for all those who use slightly less capable computers, but still want to have excellent video and audio quality The multimedia playback has not been – and will never be – disturbed by any annoying technical problem, much too often experienced with software of this kind.
    Ever since the very beginning in the year 2000, the BS.Player™ has been one of the world’s most popular video player. It is popular for many reasons, one however should be pointed out: BS.Player™ is the first software movie player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec. Also, it has very low CPU and RAM requirements. Last but not least – BS.Player™ media player is a product for the world public, so it is equipped with a treasury of subtitle options which enable the users to watch video and audio files in many of the world’s languages. If you think that software video players have never satisfied your wishes and your needs – we have made a professional version, which offers additional functionality and advantages.
    Why should You purchase BS.Player™ PRO – what will You get?
    - Playback of AVCHD video new (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) format used in Canon, JVC, Panasonic, and Sony digital tapeless -camcorders.
    - Support for global multimedia keyboard keys
    - Play YouTube streaming HD video new
    - Save YouTube streaming video to local disk new
    - Customizable Audio Equalizer
    - Support for Capture and Tuner devices (and Teletext support)
    - Capture Video from capture device to hard disk
    - Integrated subtitle editor
    - Network file buffering (fluid playback of remote media files)
    - Technical e-mail support
    - DVD support with highly functional DVD Front-End
    - Be eligible for all BS.Player upgrades for the full duration of your license
    - And last, but not least: by purchasing BS.Player PRO, you are contributing and supporting further developing of this popular media player.
    » Playlists support
    » Display subtitles
    » BS.MediaLibrary
    » Multilingual
    » Resizable movie window
    » Drag & drop and multiple volume rar archive support
    » Resolution changing
    » Fully skinnable
    » Frame capture
    » AVI files with more than 2 audio streams supported
    » Supports embedded subtitles/chapters
    » External audio file support
    » S/PDIF output supported for AC3 files
    » Custom playback modes
    » Displays video file on your desktop, adn watch it plays while you work
    Professional features:
    » Customizable Audio Equalizer
    » Support for Capture and Tuner devices (and Teletext support)
    » Capture Video from capture device to hard disk
    » Integrated subtitle editor
    » Network file buffering
    » Support for Flash (.flv) playback
    » Improved subtitles (.ass and Vobsub)
    » Improved VMR9 support
    » DVD support with highly functional DVD Front-End (3rd party mpeg-2 decoder required)
    Download : | FileSonic | Turbobit | DepositFiles

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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد أكتوبر 06, 2024 9:29 am